James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


esp during 1600s-ish

  • embraced ceremony/ritual & harmless pleasures on Sabbath
  • tradition/pope/bishops establish religious leadership
  • hierarchical


  • Divine Right of KingsDivine Right of Kings
    Divine Right of Kings
    King is appointed directly by God. Thus, king is answerable to God alone & to no earthly authority (not even Parliament)

    What connection does it have to primeval polytheism?
  • Absolute monarchy
  • monarch governs by appointment from God
    • king is God's chosen son
    • bulwark against disorder (HobbesHobbes
      Thomas Hobbes

      Wrote Hobbes, Leviathan

      Do people have the natural ability to be good? Hobbes -> no
      - humans left to their own devices would be horrible; no innate goodness or morality
      Hobbes wanted to bring order, and a king will bring more order than any democracy (Comparison w/ LockeMOC - Modern Philosophers
      Modern Philosophers

      %% Leaving the Middle Ages %%

      "Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World." - Columbus

      [[Aristotle]]'s Paradigm is their background, what they are breaking free of

      New Paradigm

      [[Thirty Years War]] scared them; religion is not the answer
      starting with the Renaissance, now the church is no longer the authority: science is the authority
      Also, [[Aristotle]] & [[Plato]] are no longer the authority
      philosophy's goal is to justify the new epistemo...
      - trade in freedoms for the security of natural society

      Hobbes was pretty universally despised
      He identified common symptoms that people recognized...