James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


  • Baroque Art
  • Mannerist Art
  • Renaissance Art
  • Books

  • Aeschylus, Agamemnon
  • Aristophanes, The Clouds
  • Aristotle, Categories
  • Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics
  • Aristotle, Poetics
  • Enuma Elish
  • Gilgamesh
  • Herodotus, The Histories
  • Hesiod, Works & Days
  • Homer, The Odyssey
  • Plato, Meno
  • Plato, Phaedrus
  • Plato, The Apology
  • Plutarch, Alcibiades
  • Sophocles, Oedipus Rex
  • Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Augustine, Confessions
  • Augustine, On Grace & Free Will
  • Aurelius, Meditations
  • Cicero, On Duties
  • Irenaeus, Against Heresies
  • Livy, Early History of Rome
  • Lucretius, The Nature of Things
  • Philo, Allegorical Interp of Genesis
  • Plutarch, Alexander the Great
  • Plutarch, Fabius
  • Plutarch, Romulus
  • Polybius, Rise of the Roman Empire
  • Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
  • Tacitus, Annals of Imperial Rome
  • Bacon, Novum Organum
  • Boyle, Mechanical Philosophy
  • Calvin, Institutes
  • Meditations of First Philosophy
  • Edwards, Religious Affections
  • Federalist Papers
  • Leviathan
  • Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
  • What is Enlightenment?
  • Two Treatises of Government
  • Luther, Freedom of a Christian
  • Essay on the Principle of Population
  • Paine, Common Sense
  • Pascal, Vacuum
  • Reid, Inquiry & Essays
  • Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
  • Merchant of Venice
  • Wealth of Nations
  • Candide
  • Whitfield, Method of Grace
  • Burke, Reflections on the Revolution
  • De Tocqueville, Old Regime & French Rev.
  • Hegel, Intro to Philosophy of History
  • Rousseau, Social Contract
  • Schopenhauer, World as Will & Idea
  • Shelley, Frankenstein
  • Nicene Creed
  • Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards
  • The Chastity of the Intellect
  • Glorious Revolution
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  • Concepts

  • City
  • Common Sense
  • Divine Right of Kings
  • Electoral College
  • Feudal System
  • Freedom
  • God
  • Goodness
  • Great Chain of Being
  • Hate
  • Infinity
  • Intuition
  • Justice
  • Knowledge
  • Language
  • Law
  • Liberal Arts
  • Morals
  • Ockham's Razor
  • Order vs Chaos
  • Philosophy
  • Prophecy in Matthew
  • Propoganda
  • Reason
  • Rights
  • Science
  • Self-Interest
  • Sense Perception
  • Slavery
  • The Forms
  • Truth
  • Will
  • Demosthenes
  • Delvings

  • Hume - Final Paper
  • Hume - Notes & Questions
  • My Epistemology
  • Ptolemy - Method of Science
  • Events

  • English Civil War
  • French Revolution
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Peloponnesian Wars
  • Persian Wars
  • Punic Wars
  • Moc

  • MOC - Ancient Historians
  • MOC - Ancient Literature
  • MOC - Ancient Philosophers
  • MOC - Art Periods
  • MOC - European Wars after the Middle Ages
  • MOC - Greek Wars
  • MOC - Massive Encompassing Philosophical Systems
  • MOC - Modern Philosophers
  • MOC - Monarchs of England
  • MOC - Philosophically Important Disasters
  • MOC - Revolution
  • MOC - Scientists
  • MOC - Time Periods
  • Misc

  • English Poor Laws
  • People

  • Plutarch
  • Homer
  • Shakespeare
  • Aristotle
  • Berkeley
  • Burke
  • Comte
  • De Tocqueville
  • Descartes
  • Hegel
  • Hobbes
  • Hume
  • Kant
  • Kierkegaard
  • Locke
  • Malthus
  • Marx
  • Mill
  • Nietzche
  • Pascal
  • Plato
  • Pre-Socratics
  • Reid
  • Rousseau
  • Schopenhauer
  • Smith
  • Socrates
  • Thoreau
  • Voltaire
  • Augustus Caesar
  • Charles I
  • Hannibal
  • Henry VIII
  • James I
  • Napoleon
  • Wellington
  • Bacon
  • Boyle
  • Kepler
  • Newton
  • Pascal
  • Calvin
  • Edwards
  • Luther
  • Whitfield
  • Freud
  • Philosophies

  • Anglicanism
  • Empiricism
  • Enlightenment
  • Epistemology
  • German Idealism
  • Ideal Theory
  • Logical Positivism
  • Naturalism
  • Pragmatism
  • Puritanism
  • Rationalism
  • Romanticism
  • Scholastidcism
  • Skepticism
  • Places

  • Holland
  • Rome
  • Russia