James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


Republic of Holland in 16-18th centuries

Key Features
  • barely 2 million people (but most densely populated in Europe)
  • large number of culturally important people: Erasmus, Lipsius, Scalicer, Grotius, Rembrandt, Vondel, DescartesDescartes
    Rene Descartes

    Background Info

    educated at Univ of Paris
    Catholic Christian
    not an academic

    wrote Descartes, Meditations of First Philosophy from a [[Rationalism
    rationalistic]] perspective

    claims he is making a whole new start in philosophy
    D. arrived at a certain and evident knowledge of the truth. He wants to see if he can persuade others by the same method that he himself used.
    , Huygens, Vermeer, Spinosa, Bayle
  • Diversity of churches; tolerant
  • Lead in freedoms - esp women, servants & Jews
  • lacked proper social hierarchy (b/c Holland was never feudal)
  • Guild system important
Social / Geo Context
  • dikes - land reclamation, systematic on a large scale
  • gave the new lands to individuals (not feudal lords)
  • much of it never feudal
  • Holland developed the fluit (very efficient bulk carrier)
  • center of wealth - herring trade
  • Middle man for Portugese spices
  • dominant in trade b/t Baltic & Mediterranean
  • by 1560 - about 1,800 ships; Venice 300
  • not managed by cities
  • no one getting super rich
Humanism & the Reformation

Northern low countries - European center of humanism

  • stressed the development of the individual
  • 90% literacy rate (England was prob ~60%)
Reformation in Low Countries
  • 1521 - Charlies V (Holy Roman Empire) condemns Luther
  • sets up Inquisition
    • heavy prosecution incl burning @ the stake
    • many inward protestants but outward Catholics
  • Charles V uses low countries to fund goals of interest to him, but not low countries
  • Charles abdicates; son Philip II increases tax on low countries
  • Philip tries to strengthen the church
    • suppresses criticism of the church by burning
  • protestants physically attack the catholic churches
    • destroying images, paintings, & altars
  • Catholic response - late & weak, then severe repression (executed 1k)
  • military leader took a city & killed all men, women & children
  • HRE loses
Dutch Military Reforms
  • protect society from the military
  • regular payment of troops
  • severe punishment for crimes against civilians: rape, pillage, loot
Structure of Republic
  • not monarchy
  • cross b/t confederation & federal state
  • province = sovereign, fundamental political unit
  • joint confederation - defense, taxation, & foreign policy, accounting office, coinage, admirality college, manage new lands
Dutch Eeast India Co.
  • Dutch trading spices, textiles, metals, sugar, slaves through Portugal
  • Spain sees Dutch getting rich & closes ports to them
  • Dutch invest heavily - direct to spice islands
  • gain huge profits
  • dominate trade for 150 years (still going until WWII)
Social Structure
  • Guilds
  • Elaborate system of poor relief
  • Church wants purity