James's working notes from Western Civ class

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MOC - Ancient Literature

Timeline of Ancient Literature

| Name | Date | | —————————- | ————— | | GilgameshGilgamesh
Gilgamesh was a mighty warrior who did not control himself, for he terrorized the people. The god Aruru created another man, Enkidu, to challenge Gilgamesh. But instead of being enemies, they became good friends. They would travel together and performed great deeds such as killing Humbaba, chief of the forest. The goddess Ishtar lusted after the great Gilgamesh, so when he spurned her, she sent the Bull of Heaven to ravage the land in revenge. Gilgamesh killed the Bull, and ...
| roughly 2100 BC | | Enuma ElishEnuma Elish
Enuma Elish

Babylonian creation story

When the heavens and earth did not yet exist, Apsû and Tia-mat, the creators, brought forth children. These children became rambunctious, and Apsû wished to kill them. The children overheard the plot and one of them, Ea, killed Apsû and took his kingship. Tia-mat assembled a demon army to revenge Apsû, and all of the gods were afraid to challenge her. Eventually, Ea’s son Marduk offered to take her on. The other gods supported him in th...
| roughly 1500 BC | | Homer, The OdysseyHomer, The Odyssey
Homer, The Odyssey
Summary of Book IX
Odysseus was telling his story to Alkinoös. He told how, after Troy, they had sacked the city of the Kokonians, but due to some foolishness, they barely escaped. Eventually, they came to an island of wild goats off the coast of the cyclops. Odysseus and one ship sailed to the mainland, where he took a flask of extremely strong wine as a gift and went to a cyclops' cave. When the cyclops found them, he took two of the men and ate them. Odysseus realized th...
| roughly 700 BC | | Hesiod, Works & Days | 700 BC | | Aeschylus, AgamemnonAeschylus, Agamemnon

Sparknotes summary

A watchman sees a signal flare, and goes to tell the queen of Troy's downfall, the news that they have been waiting for. Troy's downfall means that her husband, Agamemnon, will be returning. The queen Clytaemestra announces to the town that Troy had fallen. Soon, a ship arrives from Troy, and a herald disembarks, bringing the news that Troy indeed did fall, but that Menelaus, the king, perished in the attempt. Shortly afterward, Agamemnon, who was Menela...
| 458 BC | | Sophocles, Oedipus RexSophocles, Oedipus Rex
Oedipus Rex
The people of Thebes suffered under a heavy plague, so Oedipus sent to the oracle to ask what should be done. The oracle instructed them to solve the murder of the previous king—Laius—and Oedipus pronounced several curses on the murderer and asked for help in finding him. At the advice of his co-ruler, he sent for a prophet, who unwillingly accused the king of the murder. Then Oedipus accused his co-ruler of trying to depose him. Finally, the truth came out that Oedipus had been f...
| 429 BC | | Aristophanes, The CloudsAristophanes, The Clouds
The Clouds

Sparknotes summary

Strepsiades is a debtor who will be taken to court at the end of the month for his debts. His son Pheidippides has bankrupt him with his schemes and his horses, and Strepsiades has threatened to turn him out if he doesn't mend his ways. As a last-ditch effort, Strepsiades turns to Sokrates, who is famed for his sophistry and ability to teach others to evade debts. Strepsiades is too old to learn, though, so he puts Pheidippides in school. His scheme wor...
| 424 BC |