James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

MOC - Revolution

The idea of a revolution only occured post Middle Ages

Def: Rapid change to a radically different state

Technological advancement changes economics and people's ways of life

Revolutions Dates Notes
Industrial RevolutionIndustrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Changes intended to shift from subsistence to surplus
- Up til now, people had subsistence living.
- I grow enough food to survive
Also shift from agrarian to manufacturing
- animals begin to be bred to be more efficient
- a machine can now do the work of 1000 people, and is only overseen by 2-3

Timeline of the Revolution
First Wave 1760s-1810s
- revolution in food & textile production
- shipbuilding
Second Wave - 8110s-1860s
- more metal mechanization; fact...
  arguably most imp. rev
American Revolution    
English Revolution    
French Revolution    
Russian Revolution    
Copernican Revolution