James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

MOC - Ancient Historians

Timeline of Historians

| Name | Date | Summary | | ———————————————— | ———— | ————————————————————— | | Herodotus, The HistoriesHerodotus, The Histories
Herodotus, The Histories
Wrote the background of the Greco-Persian wars

Britannica summary

Herodotus begins by debunking Egypt's claim that it was the oldest civilization by telling the reader about an experiment that one of the kings did that disproved it. He then goes on to describe Egypt's geography, and discuss different theories and stories regarding the source of the Nile and its peculiarities. Moving on, he talks about Egyptian religious practices, and the worship of their go...
| 484 - 420 BC | wrote the background of the Greco-Persian Wars | | Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian WarThucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Britannica link

Wrote a history of the Peloponnesian WarsPeloponnesian Wars
Peloponnesian Wars

Britannica link


431-404 BC
ThucydidesThucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Britannica link

Wrote a history of the [[Peloponnesian Wars]] between Athens & Sparta
In 424, Thucydides commanded a fleet in the Athenian navy, but failed in a key battle, so was exiled

Pericles' Funeral Oration
Thucydides began by describing the funeral procedures of the Athenians. Then, he wrote down Pericles' oration at one of these funerals. Pericles paid honor to their ancestors and praised the heartiness, the courage, and...
fought in this war

1) who are the sides?
1) Athens (with the Delian League) & Sparta (Peloponnesian League)
2) underlying issues?
1) Athens was overbearing, misappropriating funds
3) trigger issues?
1) Megara flipped alliance from Sparta to Athens after Sparta refuses to help Megara resove a border dispute with Corinth
4) who wins & how?
1) Peloponnesians Leagu...
between Athens & Sparta
In 424, Thucydides commanded a fleet in the Athenian navy, but failed in a key battle, so was exiled

Pericles' Funeral Oration
Thucydides began by describing the funeral procedures of the Athenians. Then, he wrote down Pericles' oration at one of these funerals. Pericles paid honor to their ancestors and praised the heartiness, the courage, and...
| 460 - 404 BC | wrote history of the Peloponnesian WarsPeloponnesian Wars
Peloponnesian Wars

Britannica link


431-404 BC
ThucydidesThucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Britannica link

Wrote a history of the [[Peloponnesian Wars]] between Athens & Sparta
In 424, Thucydides commanded a fleet in the Athenian navy, but failed in a key battle, so was exiled

Pericles' Funeral Oration
Thucydides began by describing the funeral procedures of the Athenians. Then, he wrote down Pericles' oration at one of these funerals. Pericles paid honor to their ancestors and praised the heartiness, the courage, and...
fought in this war

1) who are the sides?
1) Athens (with the Delian League) & Sparta (Peloponnesian League)
2) underlying issues?
1) Athens was overbearing, misappropriating funds
3) trigger issues?
1) Megara flipped alliance from Sparta to Athens after Sparta refuses to help Megara resove a border dispute with Corinth
4) who wins & how?
1) Peloponnesians Leagu...
b/t Athens & Sparta | | Polybius, Rise of the Roman EmpirePolybius, Rise of the Roman Empire
Polybius, Rise of the Roman Empire
Britannica link

Bk 3 Summary
Polybius begins by discussing the difference the cause and the beginning of a war, and uses this distinction to discern the true cause of the Second Punic War. He briefly discusses the theory of Fabius, which says that Hannibal was acting on his own in Italy, without Carthaginian support, but he quickly dismisses this as improbable. Then, he discusses Hamilcar, Hannibal's father, and his hatred for the Romans. Hannibal took his ...
| 200 - 118 BC | discusses rise of Roman power & various governments; also wars | | Livy, Early History of RomeLivy, Early History of Rome
Livy, Early History of Rome
Britannica link

Livy began with the story of Aeneas and his successors, two of whom were Romulus and Remus. He told the traditional story of them being raised by a wolf, and how having grown up, they deposed the king who had tried to kill them and, after Remus died, Romulus set up Rome. He then told of Rome's conflict with the Sabines, and how both cities eventually combined under one flag. After many conflicts, Romulus left the city during a burst of thun...
| 59 - 17 BC | started w/ earlier (mythical) founding of Rome | | PlutarchPlutarch
Britannica link

Wrote Plutarch's Lives, biographies of ancient Greeks & Romans, compared with each other. They were intended to showcase different virtues. Here are a selection, in no particular order:

FabiusPlutarch, Fabius
Plutarch, Fabius
Early, Fabius had the reputation of being a slow, insensible, submissive man, but when he was tried, his true character was revealed as being prudent, careful, and constant. He was given dictatorship over Rome to protect them against the pillaging Hannibal, yet when he got into the field, his careful and deliberate actions were interpreted as fear and timidity. Only Hannibal recognized the brilliant strategy behind Fabius's movements. He was often ridiculed and spoken...

[[Plutarch, Romulus|Romulus]]
[[Plutarch, Alcibiades|Acibiades]]
[[Plutarch, Alexander the Great|Alexander the Great]]

| 46 - 119 AD | wrote histories of famous Greeks & Romans | | Tacitus, Annals of Imperial RomeTacitus, Annals of Imperial Rome
Tacitus, Annals of Imperial Rome
Britannica link

This reading highlighted the reign and crimes of Nero. It began with the great fire of Rome, which some claimed was instigated by the king himself. The majority of the city was burned, and many died. Nero, however, took the opportunity to build himself a far better palace and also instituted city planning reforms to help ensure another fire wouldn't happen. As Nero was quite an evil dictator, soon there was a plot on his life. The secr...
| 56 - 120 AD | discussed Nero & other emperors of Rome |