James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


  • Was around in Holland by 1516
  • Came to England through Henry VIIIHenry VIII
    Henry VIII
    Married Catherine of Aragon, who was the daughter of Ferdinand & Isabella, who united Spain by marring.
    So when Henry divorced her and founded AnglicanismAnglicanism

    esp during 1600s-ish

    embraced ceremony/ritual & harmless pleasures on Sabbath
    tradition/pope/bishops establish religious leadership


    Divine Right of KingsDivine Right of Kings
    Divine Right of Kings
    King is appointed directly by God. Thus, king is answerable to God alone & to no earthly authority (not even Parliament)

    What connection does it have to primeval polytheism?

    Absolute monarchy
    monarch governs by appointment from God

    king is God's chosen son
    bulwark against disorder (HobbesHobbes
    Thomas Hobbes

    Wrote [[Hobbes, Leviathan]]

    Do people have the natural ability to be good? Hobbes -> no
    - humans left to their own devices would be horrible; no innate goodness or morality
    Hobbes wanted to bring order, and a king will bring more order than any democracy (Comparison w/ LockeMOC - Modern Philosophers
    Modern Philosophers

    %% Leaving the Middle Ages %%

    "Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World." - Columbus

    [[Aristotle]]'s Paradigm is their background, what they are breaking free of

    New Paradigm

    [[Thirty Years War]] scared them; religion is not the answer
    starting with the Renaissance, now the church is no longer the authority: science is the authority
    Also, [[Aristotle]] & [[Plato]] are no longer the authority
    philosophy's goal is to justify the new epistemo...
    - trade in freedoms for the security of natural society

    Hobbes was pretty universally despised
    He identified common symptoms that people recognized...

    , it was a big deal.
  • Came to the Continent through LutherLuther
    Martin Luther
    Wrote Freedom of a ChristianLuther, Freedom of a Christian
    Luther, Freedom of a Christian
    Written by [[Luther]]
    Class Notes

    Christian is lord of all & subject to all
    maybe he's not saying that all good works ever done by believers are damnable sins

    (view in context of a Luther-era hypocritical church-goer)

    freedom from what?

    freedom from working for salvation, works (impossible to fulfill commandments)
    the law
    political freedom (NO)

    body vs soul

    works make body submi...


    trained as lawyer
    became monk
    felt very inadequate, so encouraged to study the scriptures by Staupitz
    S also got him an advanced degree in theology, teacher , Univ of Wittenberg
    great struggle between Gods righteousness and man's sin. how could a display of god's righteousness be good news?

    "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed" (Rom 1)
    "The person who believ...
    and CalvinCalvin
    John Calvin

    ![[Calvin, Institutes#Summary of excerpt]]