James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Martin Luther

Wrote Freedom of a ChristianLuther, Freedom of a Christian
Luther, Freedom of a Christian
Written by [[Luther]]
Class Notes

Christian is lord of all & subject to all
maybe he's not saying that all good works ever done by believers are damnable sins

(view in context of a Luther-era hypocritical church-goer)

freedom from what?

freedom from working for salvation, works (impossible to fulfill commandments)
the law
political freedom (NO)

body vs soul

works make body submi...


  • trained as lawyer
  • became monk
  • felt very inadequate, so encouraged to study the scriptures by Staupitz
  • S also got him an advanced degree in theology, teacher , Univ of Wittenberg
  • great struggle between Gods righteousness and man's sin. how could a display of god's righteousness be good news?
    • "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed" (Rom 1)
    • "The person who believes that he can obtain grace by doing what is in him adds sin to sin so that he becomes doubly guilty" -Luther
  • righteousness is gift from God
  • unlike others before, he protested against others hindering that gift
    • challenged the pope, among others (called pope antichrist for hindering people from coming to Christ)


  • contributed to decline of church authority
    • before, church (pope, councils) had ultimate authority
    • "Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or in councils alone, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not retract anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience" - Luther
    • "For what purpose does it serve to raise a new dispute about matters condemned through so many centuries by church and council? Unless perhaps a reason must be given to just anyone about anything whatsoever. But if it were granted that whoever contradicts the councils and the common understanding of the church must be overcome by Scripture passages, we will have nothing in Christianity which is certain or decided." (imperial secretary Johann Eck [not the same Eck])
  • authority of conscience or church?


| Name | Date | | ——————————————– | —- | | Printing press | 1455 | | Luther born | 1483 | | CalvinCalvin
John Calvin

![[Calvin, Institutes#Summary of excerpt]]
born | 1509 | | 95 Thesis | 1517 | | Diet of Worms | 1521 | | InstitutesCalvin, Institutes
Calvin, Institutes
Class Notes
What is Calvin trying to accomplish?

answering slander a/b his beliefs
support those being persecuted
create a Bible guide for the layman
systematize doctrine (unlike Luther, who was polemical)
maybe show that his doctrine is not so diff from established church (i.e. he's not starting a new religion)

Who is Calvin writing for?

wrote epistle for king of France
initially wrote in latin, translated to french (vernacular)
both for leaders of peop...
published | 1536 | | Luther died | 1546 | | Calvin died | 1564 |

Summary of Freedom of a Christian

![[Luther, Freedom of a Christian#Summary]]