James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Punic Wars


  • RomeRome

    What Happened

    753 BC
    Rome founded under King

    509 BC
    Tarquin takes over, converts to Republic

    80s BC
    Marius elected 7 times

    44 BC
    Julius Caesar becomes dictator

    27 BC - 14 AD
    [[Augustus Caesar]]'s rule

    96-180 AD
    5 Good Emperors

    476 AD
    Romulus Augustus deposed, now barbarian emperor

    • Scipio
    • FabiusPlutarch, Fabius
      Plutarch, Fabius
      Early, Fabius had the reputation of being a slow, insensible, submissive man, but when he was tried, his true character was revealed as being prudent, careful, and constant. He was given dictatorship over Rome to protect them against the pillaging Hannibal, yet when he got into the field, his careful and deliberate actions were interpreted as fear and timidity. Only Hannibal recognized the brilliant strategy behind Fabius's movements. He was often ridiculed and spoken...
  • Carthage
    • Hamilcar
    • HannibalHannibal
      Father, Hasdarubal, instilled hatred for Romans
      Fought Fabius, the roman general

War #1

  • impetus: prevent Carthage from taking Sicily, gaining control over Western Mediterannean
  • events: fighting in Messina (Sicily)
  • outcome: Rome controls Carthaginian military
    • Hamilcar upset -> Hannibal upset

War #2

  • impetus: Hannibal inherited anger from dad, gathers army & crosses Ebro River
  • events: H crosses alps w/ war elephants, wins big battle @ Cannae w/ enveloping strategy; Scipio attacks Carthage & H has to go back
  • outcome: Carthage can no longer defend itself

War #3

  • impetus: Carthage breaks unfair treaty to defend itself
  • outcome: Rome razes, enslaves, and slaughters everyone