James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Peloponnesian Wars

Britannica link


  • 431-404 BC
  • ThucydidesThucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
    Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
    Britannica link

    Wrote a history of the [[Peloponnesian Wars]] between Athens & Sparta
    In 424, Thucydides commanded a fleet in the Athenian navy, but failed in a key battle, so was exiled

    Pericles' Funeral Oration
    Thucydides began by describing the funeral procedures of the Athenians. Then, he wrote down Pericles' oration at one of these funerals. Pericles paid honor to their ancestors and praised the heartiness, the courage, and...
    fought in this war

1) who are the sides? 1) Athens (with the Delian League) & Sparta (Peloponnesian League) 2) underlying issues? 1) Athens was overbearing, misappropriating funds 3) trigger issues? 1) Megara flipped alliance from Sparta to Athens after Sparta refuses to help Megara resove a border dispute with Corinth 4) who wins & how? 1) Peloponnesians League wins b/c 2/3 of Athens dies from plague spread through grain