James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Whitfield, Method of Grace

Discussion Notes

  • feel heaviness of sins
  • we are essentially sinful; deserve damnation even w/o any actual sin on our part


Whitfield was very concerned with true religion, one that is not based on works. He was convinced that many who called themselves Christians did not actually believe the name of Christ, and so were destined for hell. For everyone has both actual sin and original sin, and either is enough to damn a person. For a person to be saved, he must first weep over his sin, and acknowledge how awful his rebellion against God is. Then, he cannot rely on any later good works to save him, but must always remember that his "good" works are as equally abhorrent to God as his sins are. Whitfield's goal in preaching this sermon was to convince his audience of their sin, like the angels in Sodom, and to convince them to flee to God. For God is willing to be reconciled to any who wishes to be reconciled to him.