James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Schopenhauer, World as Will & Idea

Class Notes

  • world is idea (these ideas drawn from combining HumeHume
    David Hume

    Wrote [[Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding]]
    Wrote a History of England

    Bkgrd Info

    studied law at 15, did not like it
    self-taught in philosophy
    published "Treatise of Human Understanding" at age 28

    thought it would make him a rock star like Newton.
    received little attention
    Thomas Reid
    [[Reid, Inquiry & Essays]]

    Bkgrd info (copied fr. Kate)

    important figure in the Scottish Enlightenment (18th century)
    Presbyterian Minister
    age 16, MA from University of Aberdeen
    age 21, licensed preacher for Church of Scotland
    age 27, entered Ministry
    age 54, wrote Inquiry into the Human Mind
    he was called to the University of Glasgow to replace Adam Smith as Professor of Moral Philosophy
    Common sense = “The most important use of the term “common sense” in R...
    & KantKant
    Wrote [[Kant, What is Enlightenment?]]
    Man's primary problem isn't sin; it's that he doesn't have the freedom to reason & be enlightened (??)


    came from Prussia, wrote under Frederick the Great
    Kant - a rationalist who wants to confine reason to the bounds of experience

    reason is bound by the condition of possible experience; cannot reason about unexperienced things
    so, we can't reason a/b God crating the world because we didn't experience it

    were the only philosophers who took him seriously

    His Philosophy
    What was in the air

    the rationalism and dedu...
    and KantKant
    Wrote [[Kant, What is Enlightenment?]]
    Man's primary problem isn't sin; it's that he doesn't have the freedom to reason & be enlightened (??)


    came from Prussia, wrote under Frederick the Great
    Kant - a rationalist who wants to confine reason to the bounds of experience

    reason is bound by the condition of possible experience; cannot reason about unexperienced things
    so, we can't reason a/b God crating the world because we didn't experience it

    • mind takes in sensations, then actively perceives them
    • only aware of the world as it directly affects us
    • NewtonNewton

      came up with a limited small number of principles & explained everything with it
      he was all the rage at the time of Reid, Hume; everyone wanted to be the new Newton

      this is a code block

      would say that the world is only matter, but Schopenhauer is saying that your mind is putting the form on the matter, and that mental idea is
    • the subject is noumenal, it is the thing in itself
    • I am a subject with a will, and I know a few things about myself
      • so I know some things about the noumenal
    • the world is the sum total of my imperical experiences
  • will
    • man's will is disguised by his knowledge
    • but all of nature has a will for life
    • will is always toward an end/goal (though everything is not going towards a singular goal)
    • the will is what connects the individual to his body
      • your self-conscious helps you realize that you are not just an object, but also a subject
      • the will is the relationship b/t subject & object
    • the will is what makes things happen
      • so a rock has a will that makes it fall
      • a plant has a will that makes it grow
    • will is the primal force that drives all of history
  • subject & object
    • a subject is a thing with a will


  • NietzcheNietzche

    same religious critique of [[Kierkegaard]]: religion is superficial
    so ditch religion

    can only be understood with the background of Schopenhauer
  • also the foundation of FreudFreud


  • he was a bit more introspective than HegelHegel

    Wrote: [[Hegel, Intro to Philosophy of History|Intro to Philosophy of History]]


    absolute idealist
    key member of [[German Idealism]]
    student of Fichte & relied on him in his work
    the great intellect is not personal & is accessible to man b/c man's intellect is an extension of its intellect
    view of history

    teleological development - development in a direction ([[Darwin]] takes this and runs w/ it)
    history recognizes internal contradictions and s...
    , saw the dark side of nature
  • he was a dark romanticRomanticism



    Lecture Notes (Dewberry)

    Romanticism is very difficult to define
    Not defined by its content, but a reaction to the Enlightenment
    Primarily influenced by arts & literature, but in 19th c. had profound effect on science & philosophy

    General Context

    Romanticism is against egalitarian ethics (like [[utilitarianism]]) and against the mathematical-mechanical science of the [[Enlightenment]]. Nothin aroused gr...


Schopenhauer describes how we know things and analyzes the subject and the object. A person is a subject, and a subject can have knowledge of many objects, though not the other way around. Specifically, the objects do not have any essence, apart from the perception of the subject. He does not deny that the objects have matter, but rather that they do not have essence. In addition, a person's knowledge of outside objects is gathered through knowledge of the person's body as an object. The person is not aware of external objects. Rather, he is aware of sensations from his body. Thus, the body is termed "immediate object." After discussing the world as idea, he went on to discuss will and reason, and how they interact with intuitive experience. Every force in nature is a sort of will, and they all work against each other to display the forces that we see.