James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Great Chain of Being

There are different levels of existence.

  • God
    • Universe
      • Man (King -> Nobles -> Knights -> Peasants)
        • Animals
          • Plants
            • Rocks

This philosophy went out of vogue along with the Divine Right of KingsDivine Right of Kings
Divine Right of Kings
King is appointed directly by God. Thus, king is answerable to God alone & to no earthly authority (not even Parliament)

What connection does it have to primeval polytheism?
around the time of the English Civil WarEnglish Civil War
English Civil War


Reformation on the Continent

Luther & his 95 theses
assumptions/positions (that were subversive to English monarchy, per Hobbes)

Private men are judges of good & evil
It is a sin to do something against one's private conscience
Man's private conscience may be supernaturally inspired
The sovereign may be limited or divided

Reformation in England (Anglicanism)