James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


Timeline of Life

1485 - end of War of Roses 1533 - Queen Elizabeth begins reign 1564 - Wm Shakespeare born on Stratford upon Avon 1575 - Wm saw world-class plays at Kennelworth Castle 1577 - John Shakespeare (father & mayor) falls apart financially & socially 1581 - becomes a player by now 1582 - Wm marries Anne Hathaway 1584 - 3 children born by now 1588 - Wm moved to London by now 1596 - Wm renews app for dad's coat of arms 1600 - all the other playwrights leave London by now


  • actors - same status as vagrants, prostitutes
    • so playing groups had to be attached to a vouching nobleman, or they'd be whipped
  • Mystery plays - annual; morality plays
  • "liberties" - plots of land in London that were free from the city's laws (b/c they used to house monasteries, etc)
  • 8 playwrights in London (University Wits) debauched, but couldn't tempt S., so they disliked him
    • because Shakespeare wouldn't be debauched, he outlasted them
  • humanizes minorities
    • Jews (Shylock, "if you prick us, do we not bleed?")
    • women (Portia, saves the day; Isabella, moral compass of Shakespeare, Measure for MeasureShakespeare, Measure for Measure
      Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
      Author: ShakespeareShakespeare

      Timeline of Life
      1485 - end of War of Roses
      1533 - Queen Elizabeth begins reign
      1564 - Wm Shakespeare born on Stratford upon Avon
      1575 - Wm saw world-class plays at Kennelworth Castle
      1577 - John Shakespeare (father & mayor) falls apart financially & socially
      1581 - becomes a player by now
      1582 - Wm marries Anne Hathaway
      1584 - 3 children born by now
      1588 - Wm moved to London by now
      1596 - Wm renews app for dad's coat of arms
      1600 - all the other playwrights leave London ...

      The Duke, noticing that he had not been executing the law well enough, temporarily gave over his power to his trusted man Angelo, telling him that he was going on a long trip. In reality, the Duke went undercover in his own land as a friar. Angelo immediately began prosecuting the law, bringing a man Claudio to jail for adultery. As punishment, Claudio was to be hung. Claudio's sister Isabella went to Angelo and asked him for a...
  • monarchist
    • plays are in favor of the Great Chain of BeingGreat Chain of Being
      Great Chain of Being

      There are different levels of existence.



      Man (King -> Nobles -> Knights -> Peasants)




      This philosophy went out of vogue along with the Divine Right of KingsDivine Right of Kings
      Divine Right of Kings
      King is appointed directly by God. Thus, king is answerable to God alone & to no earthly authority (not even Parliament)

      What connection does it have to primeval polytheism?
      around the ...
    • anytime the appropriate order/structure is disrupted, things go bad
    • Leer (abdication of responsibility), Romeo & Juliet (insubordinate to authority)
  • coming out of the Medieval worldview, with a protestant flair
    • renaissance influenced, stories drawn from Greeks & Romans
    • a literary innovator, but not a religious or political one

Merchant of Venice

![[Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice#Summary]]