James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

John Locke

Locke, Two Treatises of Government

Background Info

  • 1632-1704
  • Parents were Puritans
  • father was in Parliamentary cavalry, which fought king during English Civil WarEnglish Civil War
    English Civil War


    Reformation on the Continent

    Luther & his 95 theses
    assumptions/positions (that were subversive to English monarchy, per Hobbes)

    Private men are judges of good & evil
    It is a sin to do something against one's private conscience
    Man's private conscience may be supernaturally inspired
    The sovereign may be limited or divided

    Reformation in England (Anglicanism)
  • educated @ Oxford
  • Taught Greek & Hebrew
  • Went to medical school, was a doctor
  • Empirics
  • Read DescartesDescartes
    Rene Descartes

    Background Info

    educated at Univ of Paris
    Catholic Christian
    not an academic

    wrote Descartes, Meditations of First Philosophy from a [[Rationalism
    rationalistic]] perspective

    claims he is making a whole new start in philosophy
    D. arrived at a certain and evident knowledge of the truth. He wants to see if he can persuade others by the same method that he himself used.
  • Had a gov position
  • Philosopher: epistemology, moral philosophy, and political philosophy


  1. Start w/ the mind. Blank slate (no existing model)
  2. Ideas are populated from the senses
    1. An idea is a copy of a temporary Sense PerceptionSense Perception
      Sense Perception

      You can be good at sensing w/o being able to explain how.
      You can be skilled in using your senses & have them still make mistakes sometimes
  3. Ideas resemble real existences
  4. Essence of the mind not thinking - sometimes we don't think
  5. All ideas from sensation or reflection
  6. Body & mind united, and there is a real external world that we sense (Corpuscular)
  7. Simple & complex ideas
    1. simple ideas are individual qualities (red, sweet, shape)
  8. complex ideas are combined simple ideas (apple)
  9. Memory & personal identity
    1. Identity (& personality?) is defined by remembrance of ideas
    2. without memory, no identity
  10. Locke (and Descartes) - Sound, taste, smell, color, heat, cold, which common man thinks are in objects, are in the mind as sensations
    1. everything is relative
  11. Reason is manipulating existing ideas
  12. Thinking = recalling & manipulating existing ideas
  13. SIDE NOTE: In crafting his idea of the State of Nature, Locke did not think it necessary to rely on the senses