James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


Starting to begin Philosophizing

  • moving away from myth toward PhilosophyPhilosophy

    How the Great Conversation works: [[Great Conversation]]
    Abuse of power often leads to philosophical change

    When reading a philosopher, ask what problem he is trying to solve, and whether his solution would work

    The Major Questions

    what do I know?
    how do I know that?
    can a man know God / transcendent things?

    or can we know the physical world?

    Types of Philosophy


    starts with first principles
    Euclid for the world
    simple ...
    • Upanishads, atman, Brahma
    • contemplation
    • Homer
      • what moves heroes? not cosmos
      • best course - pay homage to gods
    • reason is more powerful than religion
  • goal of Philosophy
    • solve practical problems (begin, sustain, defend)
    • build power & wealth to pursue
    • personal gods -> impersonal gods
    • chaos -> cosmos
    • find the arche

Why Were the Greeks the Ones who Started Philosophizing?

  • estranged from the world - here alone
  • trade w/ people w/ very different ideas
  • they want to understand the world
  • no final authority on truth
Name ~ Date Philosophy
Thales 585 BC arche is water
Pythagoreans 570 BC cosmos is organized by number
Anaximander 550 BC apeoron- unlimited and undefined something unlike anything else
Anaximenes 535 BC fire, water, air, earth, stone
Heraclitus of Ephesus 535 BC everylasting world; everything in flux
Empedocles 494 BC earth, air, fire, water; mixed by love & strife
Parmenides 500 BC all change is logically impossible; taught Zeno
Zeno of Elea 490 BC motion is an illusion; reason over senses