James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents

Adam Smith

Wrote Smith, Wealth of Nations (Also wrote Theory of Moral Sentiments (based on HumeHume
David Hume

Wrote Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Wrote a History of England

Bkgrd Info

studied law at 15, did not like it
self-taught in philosophy
published "Treatise of Human Understanding" at age 28

thought it would make him a rock star like Newton.
received little attention
Thomas Reid
Reid, Inquiry & Essays

Bkgrd info (copied fr. Kate)

important figure in the Scottish Enlightenment (18th century)
Presbyterian Minister
age 16, MA from University of Aberdeen
age 21, licensed preacher for Church of Scotland
age 27, entered Ministry
age 54, wrote Inquiry into the Human Mind
he was called to the University of Glasgow to replace Adam Smith as Professor of Moral Philosophy
Common sense = “The most important use of the term “common sense” in R...
& KantKant
Wrote Kant, What is Enlightenment?
Man's primary problem isn't sin; it's that he doesn't have the freedom to reason & be enlightened (??)


came from Prussia, wrote under Frederick the Great
Kant - a rationalist who wants to confine reason to the bounds of experience

reason is bound by the condition of possible experience; cannot reason about unexperienced things
so, we can't reason a/b God crating the world because we didn't experience it

were the only philosophers who took him seriously

His Philosophy
What was in the air

the rationalism and dedu...
) in 1759)

Smith was a moral philosopher Non-Christian, close friend of HumeHume
David Hume

Wrote Hume, Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Wrote a History of England

Bkgrd Info

studied law at 15, did not like it
self-taught in philosophy
published "Treatise of Human Understanding" at age 28

thought it would make him a rock star like Newton.
received little attention
Thomas Reid
Reid, Inquiry & Essays

Bkgrd info (copied fr. Kate)

important figure in the Scottish Enlightenment (18th century)
Presbyterian Minister
age 16, MA from University of Aberdeen
age 21, licensed preacher for Church of Scotland
age 27, entered Ministry
age 54, wrote Inquiry into the Human Mind
he was called to the University of Glasgow to replace Adam Smith as Professor of Moral Philosophy
Common sense = “The most important use of the term “common sense” in R...
& KantKant
Wrote Kant, What is Enlightenment?
Man's primary problem isn't sin; it's that he doesn't have the freedom to reason & be enlightened (??)


came from Prussia, wrote under Frederick the Great
Kant - a rationalist who wants to confine reason to the bounds of experience

reason is bound by the condition of possible experience; cannot reason about unexperienced things
so, we can't reason a/b God crating the world because we didn't experience it

were the only philosophers who took him seriously

His Philosophy
What was in the air

the rationalism and dedu...

"The Smith, Wealth of Nations is a very violent attack upon the whole commercial system of Great Britain." - Smith

  • it was descriptive of England's economics, not prescriptive
  • from the perspective of the wealth of a nation, joint-stock co is not the best model First one to do the science of economics (part of the EnlightenmentEnlightenment

    17th & 18th century
    church authorities challenged
    free gov, free religion
    key players: [[Bacon]], DescartesDescartes
    Rene Descartes

    Background Info

    educated at Univ of Paris
    Catholic Christian
    not an academic

    wrote [[Descartes, Meditations of First Philosophy]] from a [[Rationalism
    rationalistic]] perspective

    claims he is making a whole new start in philosophy
    D. arrived at a certain and evident knowledge of the truth. He wants to see if he can persuade others by the same method that he himself used.
    , KantKant
    Wrote [[Kant, What is Enlightenment?]]
    Man's primary problem isn't sin; it's that he doesn't have the freedom to reason & be enlightened (??)


    came from Prussia, wrote under Frederick the Great
    Kant - a rationalist who wants to confine reason to the bounds of experience

    reason is bound by the condition of possible experience; cannot reason about unexperienced things
    so, we can't reason a/b God crating the world because we didn't experience it

    , many others
    challenged monarchical structure, who gets to be king

    leads to "enlightened despots"
    those who rule in spirit of enlightenment (not divine right of kings, but are authoritarean)
    includes Napoleon, Peter the Great, Catherine

    don't assume anything; prove everything

    push toward science)
  • first thought of economics in terms of wages, rent, & profit (GDP/capita)
    • the bigger the #, the more fulfilled you are fulfilled

In savage nations, people work hard, but are so poor they sometimes have to kill off their relatives. But in civilized nations, a lot of people don't work, and consume a lot, but even a poor workman can provide for himself. (paraphrased from intro, pg LX)