James's working notes from Western Civ class

Table of Contents


Athenian philosopher during the Classical period of Greece. Disciple of Socrates, and wrote down his (purported) dialogues.


  • MenoPlato, Meno
    The dialogue starts with Meno asking Socrates whether virtue can be taught or whether it can come naturally. Socrates replied that he did not even know what virtue was, much less whether it could be taught. When Meno tries to define virtue, he fails, instead giving instances of particular virtues. Then, he proposes "ability to govern" as virtue, but Socrates strikes that down. Finally, Meno convinces Socrates to jump to the point and tackle whether virtue can be taught. Socrates responds...
  • PhaedrusPlato, Phaedrus
    Phaedrus and Socrates meet leaving the city, so they strike up a conversation. Phaedrus had just come from a discussion with Lysias, so naturally they begin to discuss Lysias's thoughts. Phaedrus read a speech of Lysias's; the speech argues that it is better to associate with those who do not love you, rather than those who do. That is because the former relationship is based on temporary passion, and the latter on permanent friendship. He also argues that love is a form of madness. ...
  • The Apology of SocratesPlato, The Apology
    Plato, The Apology
    Socrates was brought before the court to defend himself against charges of corrupting the youths and teaching them strange theology. In his defense, he spoke logically, disproving all of his charges and showing how many of them did not even make sense. He explained why he went around questioning everyone: namely, to find someone who was wiser than himself. He eventually concluded that he was the wisest, but only because he did not pretend to have knowledge like ever...